Jason McIntyre wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 10:19:31PM +0100, Guido Tschakert wrote:
>> The first and the last entry are both spamd (8), but spamassassin from
>> ports has overwritten /usr/local/man/man8/spamd.8 from the system (which
>> I am looking for)
>> I don't know if there is an easy solution for this (I don't want to call
>> it a problem), but I think this shouldn't happen.
> you can change the order man(1) looks for its pages in /etc/man.conf, i
> think. but probably best is to contact the port maintainer and ask them
> to rename the page to stop it squashing base spamd(8).
> jmc

I already have send my mail to the maintainer of the port.
I have looked in /etc/man.conf and read the manual: you can change the
order of the subdirs with _subdir, but the order of how the sections are
searched (with _default) seems to be alphabetically and /usr/local comes
 before /usr/share. (correct me, if I'm wrong)

Digging in man (1) gives me the following help:
$ man -w spamd
$ more /usr/share/man/cat8/spamd.0

BTW, I was wrong with saying the port overwrites the manual of the
system-spamd. The system manuals are stored in /usr/share/man while the
port manuals go to /usr/local/man, as some guys told me privatly. Stupid me,


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