On Tue, 20 Feb 2007, Peter Fraser wrote:

> Would not a better test be for message-id's of the format

Probably not.  It is quite possible for a legitimate MUA on a host
to generate message-ids of the [EMAIL PROTECTED] form.  Consider a RFC1918 LAN
behind NAT, running from /etc/hosts only.  Now OpenBSD creates (or
strongly encourages the creation of) a default /etc/hosts with a
y.z domain name, and a default /etc/myname with a y.z name
in it, but there are, alas, other, less picky OS's out there.  And
there may be legitimate MUA's that form their message-ids from the
basename, since such *does* satisfy RFC.

Fighting spam always seems to involve a tradeoff with irritating
users, i.e. false positives.  Breaking old MUAs is very irritating.
Only Beelzebub himself knows what ancient MUAs Win95 lusers are
still using.

> I also noticed that I seem to have some of my spam that
> has a message-id of my own domain name in, so I assume
> that some of the mail comes in with no message-id in it at all.

Or the spammer generates it on the fly.  One host.domain name
the spammer can presume to be good is yours.  Moveover, such a
message-id makes the spam appear (somewhat) to be a response to
an email you sent.  Whether any spam filters value that, I can't

Message-ids are not a requirement for legitimate mail, AFAIK.


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