Claudio Jeker wrote:

bgpd only sends the selected routes to the neighbors and the announced
network from has higher precedence and so only has
both networks in the table. If you remove the network on, would announce the network to

Ah, ok. I follow this behavior; I just take down the carp- and vlan
interfaces on and it works as you described it.

I will play with localpref later, but before I want to ask if my planned
setup is the right solution for my needs. I want to run two bgp-routers
and connect several eBGP sessions to the two routers.
To the inside I want to provide a failover-tolerant default gateway for
my vlans, that's why I'm using carp.
If some or all eBGP sessions on one router fails I would like to route
the packets over the other one, that's why I think iBGP is a fine way to
do this.

Ok, for this iBGP should redistribute the via eBGP learned routes. But I want to do this for the "internal" networks, too. If a link to my local switch fails, is this the right way to route the incoming packet over to the other router, which has a functional link to the local switch? I hope my explanation is not to confusing :-)



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