On 13/02/2007, at 10:07 PM, frantisek holop wrote:
hmm, on Tue, Feb 13, 2007 at 08:56:24PM +1100, Shane J Pearson said
On 13/02/2007, at 8:18 PM, frantisek holop wrote:
how am i (and fdisk) supposed to make partitions on CHS boundaries
if instead of 19457/255/63 fdisk sees the disk as 152627/64/32?
What is the point in trying to align to such boundaries, when the
physical HDD does not have 255 or 64 heads and those numbers are
faked due to working around legacy limitations?
Hand crafted disk layouts are highly error prone. MBR
partitions should
start on a cylinder boundary (head 0, sector 1), except when
starting on
track 0, (these should begin at head 1, sector 1). MBR
partitions should
also end at cylinder boundaries.
as far as i know most of the other OSs also align to boundaries.
Thanks Frantisek,
I must have spent too much time away from arches which use MBR. I
wondered for a second why my sparc64 firewall was returning "no
entry" for man fdisk. :-)
Shane J Pearson
shanejp netspace net au