As far as I know there is no specific altq list, just use the main misc list. Please make sure to post to the list and not to people privately
thank you On 2/11/07, Ralf Braga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Lawrence and Atren, I'm with one few dificults for configure altq+pf+hfsc, Need balancear traffic of the output and input, See my script: #Default configuration ###################################### set limit { states 40000, frags 20000, src-nodes 35000 } set block-policy return set loginterface fxp0 set timeout { interval 10, frag 30 } set timeout { tcp.first 60, tcp.opening 30, tcp.established 3600 } set timeout { udp.first 20, udp.single 10, udp.multiple 15 } set timeout { icmp.first 11, icmp.error 6 } set timeout { other.first 40, other.single 20, other.multiple 30 } scrub in all fragment reassemble no-df scrub out all random-id ###################################### #IP table ###################################### table <invalidos> { , , } table <fw_ip> {, } # Clientes - Objetivo - Limitar a saida em 200Kbps e balancear a banda de download e upload table <sindimaq_cci> { } table <condordia_cci> { } portas_lixo="69 135 137 139 445 8888 7778 8594 8563 33333 11173" portas_servico="20 21 22 23 25 69 80 81 110 113 123 143 135 137 139 161 162 443 445 514 587 873 901 993 995 1023 1025 1026 1080 1234 1433 1434 2745 3128 3306 3410 5554 6129 6588 8080 8866 9898 9996 12345 17300 27374 " ###################################### #Rules of QoS for Upload ###################################### altq on { rl0 } hfsc bandwidth 6Mb qlimit 75 queue { deflt_up, champtower_up } queue deflt_up bandwidth 3Mb qlimit 75 priority 3 hfsc(linkshare 3Mb default realtime 4Mb upperlimit 6Mb red) queue champtower_up bandwidth 3096Kb qlimit 75 priority 5 hfsc(realtime 3096Kb upperlimit 3096Kb red) { sindimaq_cci_u,condordia_cci_u } queue sindimaq_cci_u bandwidth 64Kb qlimit 75 priority 5 hfsc(linkshare 64Kb realtime 64Kb upperlimit 200Kb red) queue condordia_cci_u bandwidth 64Kb qlimit 75 priority 5 hfsc(realtime 64Kb upperlimit 200Kb red) ###################################### #Default rules ###################################### pass in on { fxp0 rl0 } keep state pass out keep state pass quick on lo all pass quick proto icmp antispoof quick for lo ###################################### If help me, thanks, Why the address of list about altq ? -- Ralf Braga
-- -Lawrence -Student ID 1028219 -CCNA