On Wed, 7 Feb 2007 11:49:07 +0100, Toni Mueller wrote:

>On Sat, 03.02.2007 at 21:26:36 +0100, Andreas Maus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> But the mailwraper provides a more generic way for
>> OpenBSD to use mail without dealing much about
>> the uses mail system. (sendmail,postfix,exim,qmail, ...)
>this is probably correct (or that's what it was created for), but I
>have yet to overcome my inertia against implementing this, for marginal
Hell, that's funny. I installed the postfix package and used the
recommended (and supplied) script to make postfix the default mailer.
There is one to switch back.

Apart from that there was only (IIRC) one manual thing to do: change
the queue-runner or something like that. So easy I forget: no pain = no
brain (storing horror tales).

Trivial for me and I thought that I had a very large inertia to mass
ratio as I only weigh in at 66.x kg. 8-))

Anyway jakob@ has (for me) done a fine job of making it painless.


>From the land "down under": Australia.
Do we look <umop apisdn> from up over?

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