On 2/3/07 8:10 PM, bofh wrote:
I'm not saying godaddy is a thief, but equating the amount of $$
donated to being a good friend is wrong.  If a thief steals $30mil and
gives you $1mil, is he your best friend?

I think the criticisms here have been over gogaddy's business
practises, and not the fact that they donated $10k.

Godaddy *SHOULD NOT* have taken down fyodor's list no matter how much
of an ass you believe he is.  Is godaddy the new internet vcensor?

I believe he is an ass for his reaction.

I have understood thousands of passwords of people were on-line because they were commented on his webpages. Godaddy was in the chain of keeping them on-line and they pulled their plug immediately to deminish the damage, they put the plug back within one hour.

Fyodor can be a hero for other reasons, in this case he misused his power to damage Godaddy and we hear nothing about what I presume the fact, that privacy of thousands of people were at risk because of his site sending copies of their logins to anyone who asked for it.

Godaddy was in the chain and reacted. I don't maintain websites with free publishing possibilities for unknown people, he did and this is what he risks with it.

This is comparable to the firebrigade that ruins your door because they want to stop a fire.


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