On 1/28/07, Josh Tolley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 1/27/07, Reiner Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the next 2 weeks, a free NX client will be released which is runs on
> OpenBSD without Linux emulation. All closed source parts from Nomachine
> client are rewritten. As there are some parts from original Nomachine
> client was used, it will be released under the GPL

That's excellent news! I assume this email list list will hear about it?


Hi all,

I was on leave so I didnot reply.
Thanx for the responses.

Here is config of the box:
Ram : 256 MB
Hdd : 20 GB (hdd space is not an issue. and we won't be using NFS as
these terminals might be placed at remote locations.)
Processor : pIII.

We are basically trying to biuld a GUI interface for the end user on a
robust OS / platform . Idea is that the box should boot and start the
application GUI directly which will take input from the user & send
the data to the central server ( over lan or dial up modem ).

Also kindly advise if OpenBsd with some X interface will be a correct
choice for this or we should be looking for Java OS / Java X

Is there any good howto/link to build a thin client for Obsd.

Thanx again.


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