
I have a number of port replicators I (finally) got permission to send off to OpenBSD devs. I thought I saw someone asking for one on the hardware wanted page, but now that I look again, I don't see it. Any takers? Here's what I have:

 * Thinkpad X4 UltraBase Dock (new)
 * Thinkpad Port Replicator II (new)
 * 2 x Thinkpad Port Replicator (new)

I also have a few (gently used) replicators for T40 and T30 series machines with varying part numbers.

Normally, I wouldn't have sent this out on misc, but I understand that the guy I need to talk to is on vacation. No sense in waiting for him to come back if any of you need this now.

Contact me off-list if you're a developer and you want one. I am located in Boston, MA, USA, but I can ship to some places internationally. Ask me.


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