On Sat, 27 Jan 2007, Don Smith wrote:

> On the newer versions of OpenBSD, there is -K added as
> an option for SVND.
> I always used the -k option with a strong key and no
> salt file.
> Is the original -k method still secure, given a strong key?

No. But that's hearsay.  Here's what I heard someone say:

"The biggest drawback of svnd is its lack of security in the general
use case. It is vulnerable to an offline dictionary attack. That
is, you can generate a database mapping known ciphertext blocks on
the disk back into pass phrases that can be accessed in O(1) without
even being in possession of the disk. What's even worse is that the
same database will work on any svnd disk. It is possible--and perhaps
even likely--that large agencies such as the NSA have constructed
such a database and can crack a majority of the svnds in the world
in less than a second. The way that one prevents an offline dictionary
attack is to use a salt in conjunction with the pass phrase,"

Source: http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2005/12/21/netbsd_cgd.html?page=3

Disclaimer: I am not a cryptanalyst.  Maybe that's all FUD and blown

Advice: Use the salt.  How can it hurt?  It depends on your threat
model.  If it's a laptop and you don't want some random thief or
whoever he sells your stolen property to to read your disk, -k will
suffice.  If you're worried about a large government, there are
still other considerations (rubber hoses for one), but the salt
won't hurt.  If I recall the source code correctly, using -k, you
are already using salt -- of zero.  The salt is used when generating
the key from the passphrase, and won't slow down the actual disk
en/decryption, so salt is a win.

      The law has converted plunder into a right and lawful defense
      into a crime.  -- Frederic Bastiat, 1850

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