On Fri, 26 Jan 2007, Brian Candler wrote:

> > They are taking the position that it is upside down to require an
> > unprivileged source port.  What are the issues?
> The code is here in /usr/src/usr.sbin/inetd/inetd.c:
>         if (port < IPPORT_RESERVED || port == NFS_PORT)
>                 goto bad;
> The only reason I can think of is to avoid your host being used as a
> reflector to attack services on other hosts.

Yes, I believe you're right.  Thanks for refreshing my memory.

This is a heuristic to stifle such attacks.  The only breakage I've
seen is that the "timedc(8)" program of another BSD uses a privileged
source port for a minor feature (detecting hosts that are whole
days off in time).  The NetBSD inetd deals with the DoS problem by
checking "port" against an array of likely problem source ports.

> For example: attacker sends a UDP packet to you on port 37, with spoofed
> source IP address and source port 53. Without this check, inetd would send
> its response back to the spoofed IP address on port 53, so it looks like you
> are trying to attack someone else's DNS server.
> In the case of UDP 'time', the attacker can't control the response you send,
> but can predict it. Other services launched from inetd might give the
> attacker more direct control over the packet sent, with the most extreme
> example being "echo" :-)

Yes, two hosts talking UDP to each other's echo datagram ports is probably
the archtypical DoS -- of the hosts and any network they're on.  Chargen
is pretty vicious, too.

Doubtless this and other similar attacks also account for the
rate-limiting -R switch (and its default) to inetd.

> The assumption here of course is that the only services worth attacking are
> on ports <1024 or 2049. This still doesn't prevent your box being used as a

Quite.  NetBSD makes the similar assumption that those are the only
"commonly" attacked/attacking services.

I notice that in OpenBSD, this policy leads to encouraging honest
clients to use unreserved ports, which then can lead to sometimes
eliminating the setuid requirement for clients that non-root has a
reason to run.  So it's a double win. 

> DoS repeater, but that's a pretty fundamental limitation of simple UDP
> request-response exchanges.

Ah, for the happy days when people played nice, and an attack consisted
of a manually typed password, and an unlisted modem telephone number
was a serious security measure, and a source port <1024 meant you
probably knew the sender personally.

Thanks for your comments!


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