Hello Stuart,

On Fri, 26.01.2007 at 12:36:18 +0000, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> 'bgpctl sh nex' lists *nexthops*, not peers. nexthops are not re-
> written unless you 'set nexthop self', they stay as learned from the
> e-bgp sessions.

OK. I was thoroughly confused and scared, too.

> unless you change 'nexthop qualify', it means not reachable by either:
> directly-connected network
> static (non-default) route
> route learned from a different protocol (ospf/rip)


> but there's a reason these are not default.


> the ibgp announcement with the prefix is _not_ necessarily sent
> by the router with the external session, you may be using a route
> reflector.

Nope, but anyway, your message was very helpful in clearing up some of
my confusion!


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