On 1/22/07, Peter Matulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Le Mardi 23 Janvier 2007 00:04, Greg Thomas a icrit :
> On 1/22/07, Peter Matulis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am having difficulty finding documentation on how to set up a
> > memory file system from beginning to end.  I keep reading about
> > /tmp and swap and docs that presume certain steps have been
> > accomplished (disklabel).
> >
> > I want to set up /var/blah as mfs.  What are the basic steps?
> Is this a trick question?  Or does your question have more to it like
> populating /var/blah?
> If it's simply a question of mounting /var/blah as mfs the sample in
> the fstab manpage is pretty good, substitute /var/blah for /tmp in
> the sample and adjust the size accordingly.

My main question is the device it uses.  The man page has the
device /dev/sd0b.  This needs to be set up somewhere.  Still, I see
that people use "swap" in its place instead.

Unless I'm misunderstanding your question /dev/sd0b (or /dev/wd0b) is
swap, and it gets setup by default during one's installation.


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