Ronnie Garcia wrote:
> Hey,
> On I can read:
> advskew
> This optional parameter specifies how much to skew the advbase when 
> sending CARP advertisements. By manipulating *advbase*, the master CARP 
> host can be chosen. The higher the number, the less preferred the host 
> will be when choosing a master. The default is 0. Acceptable values are 
> from 1 to 254.
> Shouldn't it read :
> advskew
> This optional parameter specifies how much to skew the advbase when 
> sending CARP advertisements. By manipulating *advskew*, the master CARP 
> host can be chosen. The higher the number, the less preferred the host 
> will be when choosing a master. The default is 0. Acceptable values are 
> from 1 to 254.


>From ifconfig(8):

     Taken together, the advbase and advskew indicate how frequently, in sec-
     onds, the host will advertise the fact that it considers itself master of
     the virtual host.  The formula is advbase + (advskew / 256).  If the mas-
     ter does not advertise within three times this interval, this host will
     begin advertising as master.

So...what advskew (the variable) is doing is manipulating advbase (the

However, if that is the author's intention, it isn't as clear as we can
probably make it.  There are a couple other oddities in that paragraph, so
I've sent a diff up-stream for comments...


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