Marc Balmer wrote:

hmm, why are people so proud of their uptimes when it only show they
don't care for their systems?

  I forgot to power it (a Sun IPC) down when I left the company:

[draco:~]$ uname -a; uptime
OpenBSD 2.6 GENERIC#287 sparc
11:55AM  up 1538 days, 58 mins, 1 user, load averages: 0.22, 0.13, 0.09


P.S. A current employee provided the uptime -- I didn't use a remote hole. ;)

 \|/   ___   \|/    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    +----- 2048R/38BD6CAB -----+
  @~./'O o`\.~@                            | 02BD EF81 91B3 1B33 64C2 |
 /__( \___/ )__\                           | 3247 6722 7006 38BD 6CAB |
    `\__`U_/'                              +--------------------------+

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