On 1/17/07, Lars Hansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wednesday 17 January 2007 17:15, Martin Hedenfalk wrote:
> Is there a nullconsole in OpenBSD, similar to the nullconsole in FreeBSD?
Not that I know but you could always set it to a non-existant tty (com1?), I
But that's not the problem here though...
I've tried it, and "set tty com1" didn't work. Not sure exactly what
happened but it didn't boot properly anyway.
> On the WRAP, "set tty pc0" in /etc/boot.conf still uses the serial
> port. This might be due to some BIOS setting, but I'd rather not
> change that as re-setting the BIOS seems to be non-trivial.
This sounds like the BIOS is redirecting vga to the serial port and if that is
the case the only way to use the serial port is to disable the console
redirection in BIOS.
> What I'm looking for is a "set tty none" or similar in /etc/boot.conf.
If the WRAP is using console redirection this wont help.
If it was possible to set the default console to "nullconsole", ie
discarding all console I/O, what other part of the system would write
(directly) to pc0?