I'll even bite again Mr. Vim Visual.

On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 10:44:54PM +0100, Vim Visual wrote:
> I am a newcomer to this community but I have the "feeling" that I have
> put my finger on a... sensitive point

Sharp observation!  Maybe it has something to do with the BSD part of

> in any case thanks for the answers, and for the mild biting, Marco, I
> think I have now an impression...
> btw are you using X? and if so, which wm? most of them are under the
> gpl, right? this must hurt if you're such a bsd license defender...

I use ion which is GPL.  I also use gcc which is GPL.  So?
I encourage everyone to develop GPL.  However do not expect me to play
along.  The GPL is fatally flawed and hasn't been tested in court.  I
wouldn't bet my code or company on it.

Despite popular believe I don't think that the GPL has furthered the
cause of the open source community by one bit.  I would go as far as
saying that it hasn't.  The only thing it has done is create a wildly
unenforcible license goo in the community that will eventually cause
severe problems whenever GPL hits the courts for a *real* case.

I don't like giving something away and then later asking for it back.
Do you do the same when you donate to a cause?  Altruism is a bad
economic driver and the GPL is a prime example.  Favor economies don't
work; think about the great human communistic experiment.

What's next?  The GTL (Guilt Trip License)?

Before you ask, I make a bad hippie but do enjoy writing code and giving
it away.

> thanks again

You are welcome.

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