On Tue, Jan 16, 2007 at 09:32:02AM -0500, Charles Farinella wrote:
> I have an OpenBSD 3.9 machine with a public IP providing NAT and
> firewalling for our internal network.  It has 3 interfaces:
> dc0: public ip from internet X.X.X.25
> dc1: 192.168.100.x to internal network.  This works well.
> dc2: 192.168.200.x --> to Windows server.
> I need to allow public access to the Windows server connected to dc2
> (one port only).  Currently I have a private network address assigned
> to dc2 and a public one (X.X.X.26) assigned to the machine connected
> to it.

You should put a private 192.168.200.x IP address on the Windows box,
not a global X.X.X.26 address. Afterwards, do a simple port forwarding
(redirection in pf language) at the OpenBSD box, e.g.

rdr on dc0 proto tcp from any to (dc0) port $wbpp -> $wbip
pass in on dc0 inet proto tcp from any to $wbip port $wbpp flags S/SA \
keep state

where $wbip is the private IP address of the Windows box and $wbpp is
the port you want to redirect to the Windows box (wbpp = 'Windows box
public port'). I guess the rules could be combined into a single 'rdr
pass' rule but I like it this way...

Remember to set up a default route on the Windows box (it should of
course use the OpenBSD box as its default route).


> I need to know how to access the X.X.X.26 machine from the internet.
> My attempts at redirecting with pf rules haven't been successful so
> far, and I'm not sure that's how I should be approaching it.
> I've been playing with this for a few days, and am kind of lost, so
> any advice, pointers to docs, examples, etc. would be very much
> appreciated.
> thanks,
> --charlie

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