sonjaya a icrit :
> Dear all
> I ussually use public html to allow user have space in out webserver,
> how to set in openbsd 3.9 because default i chroot.
> thx for advice
Look at UserDir in httpd.conf

I usually create my web accounts as follow:

1- create /var/www/accounts/<username> and
2- link /var/www/users/<username> to /var/www/accounts/<username>/public
3- link ~<username>/www to /var/www/accounts/<username>

that way each user has a www subdirectory in his home directory. files
that are
in ~/www are accessible inside the apache chroot but not through web access
(nice for databases and configuration files), whereas files in
~/www/public are
visible through web access.

++ Gilles Chehade

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