a strange issue is affecting the system monitor I wrote. It's working fine everywhere (i386, sparc*, amd64, other OSes on various archs), except on OpenBSD/vax (-current snapshot as of Jan 5th, same with 4.0-release) running inside simh-vax. It leaks huge amounts of memory there, and CPU usage is rising over time as well. I have no idea how to debug this, and whether this is even related to my code or not (AFAICT the problem could be anywhere, my bug, g++ bug, libstdc++ bug, libxml2 bug, simh-vax bug, ... probably specific to the combination VAX + a.out + static libs.)
Is there a way to investigate this? I fear that practical ways are slim; the VAX simulation is also incredibly slow, making almost everything seem to take forever.
Any hints would be highly appreciated. Moritz