On Fri, 12 Jan 2007, poncenby smythe wrote:

> list,
> when any configure script is checking for standard header files 
> (stdlib.h, memory.h) it hangs for a few seconds on each file, as if it 
> is taking this long to actually find each file on the disk. which i 
> guess is actually happening. making the script take about almost five 
> minutes to complete.
> any ideas why this could be happening?
> below is dmesg...

534MHz/150MB/150GB  sounds like a laptop.
I'll assume it's not in some sort of slow-down power-saving mode.

Sounds like it's probably running X.

If you're running several applications (I'm thinking specifically
of Mozilla or other mem-eater)  besides the configure, it is quite
feasible that you are swapping.  (Check this with "top" or "systat
swap").  Another reason for slow configures/compilations is c++,
which is molasses in January.  Configure scripts often run the

Do you have a specific script example?  Some port you're compiling?

Try it after a fresh boot, before starting X, i.e. from a text console.
150MB is not a lot to run X, a browser, and other stuff.  Never thought
I'd say that, but it's true these days; applications are bloated beyond
belief because of assumptions about cheap memory.

I assume you have a nice big swap partition defined.  500MB won't hurt.


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