On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 03:11:31PM +0200, Soner Tari wrote:
> Hi All,
> On my network, ASP sites are served on a Microsoft IIS, and PHP sites
> are on OpenBSD Apache, and there is only one Internet connection with a
> single IP (all DNS records point to this IP). Since these web servers
> run on different hardware/IPs, I need to distribute http requests based
> on the requested URL, thus I think I need a reverse http proxy (Q1: am I
> right?) running on my firewall (OpenBSD, of course).

At least, a reverse proxy would be one way of doing this; not sure it's
the only one (configuring Apache to pass queries for .asp to IIS might
be possible, although it's unlikely to be efficient).

> So I've found Pound v2.2. I think it works fine, does the job, and is
> very simple to configure, with a caveat being that I had to build
> openssl again with threads enabled.

I was going to answer 'why? Use the package', but this isn't in ports. I
was convinced it was, maybe someone posted a port to ports@ but it never
got committed?

Rebuilding OpenSSL might not be the best idea, really.

> I also thought that Apache in reverse proxy mode could do the job, but I
> failed to have OpenBSD httpd running in that mode. (Q2: could somebody
> point me to a help page which describes how to do that?) (Note that
> http://www.apachetutor.org/admin/reverseproxies deals with Apache 2
> only. And I'm not sure that would help anyway.)

I can't help with that, but Apache should be able to do this.

> I could not find another reverse proxy package among OpenBSD
> ports/packages (Q3: is there any other reverse proxy package?).

Yes; squid comes to mind, but there are others (maybe tinyproxy,
transproxy, or one of the other ports can be used; take a look at 'make
search key=proxy' in /usr/ports, or ports.openbsd.nu).

> Probably, there is another (or the right) way of doing all this (Q4:
> could somebody give any hint?).

Squid could be very useful, especially since caching dynamic pages can
result in a large performance improvement; there are also other


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