I wonder if the landisk port would support this device? if it did it
would make a pretty cool wifi firewall :)

Sam Fourman Jr.

On 10/10/06, Diana Eichert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tue, 10 Oct 2006, Jason George wrote:

> >Nevermind the sex toy, what beer is that?
> Big Rock Traditional Ale.
> http://www.bigrockbeer.com
> It's what we normally drink, along with Guinness and Wild Rose Brown.
> It usually gives me a headache in large quanitities... but then again, it
> might be that it's because I'm usually drinking it with Theo and that might
> really be what gives me the headache.
> ;-)

FWIW, I'm going to pickup one of the Plextors mentioned earlier and take
it apart to get a serial console connection going.  Then it can sit
on the office desk along side all the rest of my hacked boxes.  I'll post
the console h/w info when I figure it out.


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