On 12/27/06, Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2006/12/26 22:01, Siju George wrote:
> I am unable to go to office dueto health reasons and my firm has
> allowed me to work from home for 3 months. Icould someone please tell
> me the feasible VPN Solutions I have using OpenBSD please?
Between fairly up-to-date OpenBSD systems, the simplest way is to
configure the VPN using ipsec.conf.
You could probably work this out from the manual, but there's no
direct example for a dynamic endpoint, so you might find this post
from reyk@ useful:
Thankyou so much Murali Vijay and Stuart for your help :-)
I was almost looking at VPN but Reyk's post above that Stuart gave me
is a releif :-)
Thankyou so much Stuart
Thanks a million Reyk :-)
kind regards