I'm no expert by any means but I am running a few Zope/Python websites on OpenBSD 4 (GENERIC) with no problems at all - it runs extremely well in fact.
Note that I did not install Plone because I have no need for it right now. I am also running Zope/Python on OpenBSD 4 inside of the SysJail utility to provide another layer of security. I installed zope-2.8.6p0 directly from the ports, but I had to download and install PyXML-0.8.4.tar.gz separately to actually run Zope properly. Not having PyXML initially was my only problem. Hope this helps. --- "Merp.com Volunteer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > We were seeing an unusually large number of > complaints when doing search > results related to getting Zope/plone/python working > on OpenBSD. > > Is there a known caveat about using > zope/plone/python-latest on openbsd 4.0 > that we should be warned about? > > Since Zope/Plone/Python (curently plone-2.5.1 > bundle) is what we converted all > of our websites too, this would be a show-stopper in > switching (back) to > OpenBSD from Linux. > > We were planning to go ahead and try the latest > plone-2.5.1 bundle on openbsd > 4.0, but would like to know if anyone is using it in > a > web-based-public-production environment without any > gotchas? > Thanks! > -- > *** Volunteer Team for the completely non-profit, > non-revenue, > non-business-entity dedicated to > the Middle-earth Role-playing International > Community at Merp.com > "Fighting the noble battle against the dark forces, > trying to keep alive, and > growing, > the dream and joy of role-playing gaming in J.R.R. > Tolkien's Middle-earth" > http://www.merp.com > Mailing list subscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > IRC (Internet Relay Chat) Server: irc.merp.com > (channel: #merpchat) > Yahoo=merpcom > ICQ=293-163-919 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Alternate Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (in case > you're blocked by our spam > filters). > > Be sure to sign up for the 3rd annual International > MerpCon (2007): > July 27th, 28th, & 29th in Spokane, WA, USA. > This event is not run by merp.com, but by a > different group of volunteers, > but merp.com has donated many services to help them > out. > Show them your support by signing up, spreading the > word, and showing up. > http://www.merpcon.com > > "I would draw some of the great tales in fullness, > and leave many only placed in the scheme, and > sketched. > The cycles should be linked to a majestic whole, > and yet leave scope for other minds and hands, > wielding paint and music and drama..." > - John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, from a letter written > to Milton Waldman, ca. 1951 > - Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com