On 21 Dec 2006, at 20:02, Daniel Ouellet wrote:

> Any valid feedback on the security and stability of this one on  
> OpenBSD, or any other prefer. I am looking more for security and  
> stability oppose to bell and whistle and features.

I was under the impression that TinyMCE, and other htmlarea based  
WYSIWYG editors are all a huge mass of client side javascript, and  
therefore don't really pose a security issue to the server that hosts  
them.  It essentially just replaces a textarea, and the value  
returned by the form may contain some HTML as a result.  Just make  
sure that you sanitise and validate the data posted by the form  
(remove JavaScript, unwanted HTML tags, etc, the usual stuff).


Junkets for bunterish lickspittles since 1998!

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