On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 04:56:45PM -0500, Steve Shockley wrote: > I've got a Xitel DG2, which is a USB sound card with optical output. I > previously set up a nice music player using mpd, and it worked great. > Unfortunately the drive died, so I'm building a new one. (The old > install's dmesg is at http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?m=115863499102215, > the hardware is the same except for the hard drive.) > > Since the rebuild, the laptop's internal sound works, but the usb sound > doesn't. I plugged the USB sound into a Windows machine and my stereo > made sounds, so I think the adapter is okay. I did create > /dev/{mixer,audioctl,audio,sound}1. All the outputs are unmuted. Doing > cat /bsd > /dev/audio1 (or sound1) does something, but makes no noise. > > Any ideas? >
does at least the following work? audioctl -f /dev/audioctl1 play.encoding=slinear_le play.precision=16 cat /bsd >/dev/sound1 if not, does it work if you unplug and then plug again the device without changing the outputs.speaker control? -- Alexandre