I believe that would be pfctl -vvsr.
As in "verbose verbose" There is no single character "w" but there
are 2 "v"'s.
Floor Terra
On Dec 19, 2006, at 9:57 AM, C. L. Martinez wrote:
Sorry Darren, but pfctl -wsr under OpenBSD doesn't works .... See:
saruman:~# pfctl -wsr
pfctl: unknown option -- w
usage: pfctl [-AdeghmNnOoqRrvz] [-a anchor] [-D macro=value] [-F
[-f file] [-i interface] [-k host | network] [-p device]
[-s modifier] [-t table -T command [address ...]] [-x
On 12/19/06, Darren Spruell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 12/18/06, carlopmart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,
first of all, many to everybody helps me to block all ipv6 traffic
staff accept your option).
And now my question: how can I view rule numbers assigned by
pf?? Under
3.7 using pfctl -ws display this info ... How can I do with
OpenBSD 4.0
pfctl -vvsr
verbose, verbose, show, rules. Refer to pfctl(8).