On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 12:09:12 -0600 (CST)
Jacob Yocom-Piatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> only today have i tried out hostapd, it is quite neat. while adding a 2nd AP 
> to
> my network a thought occurred to me: if you had >3 APs that were sufficiently
> spread out and had tightly synced clocks you could likely triangulate the 
> source
> of a wifi signal with a fair deal of accuracy.
> is this doable?
> cheers,
> jake

Well, it's doable. Not really too practical though, since you'd have to
see the client from all 3 transcievers. You'd also have to map out the
distance/signal strength in order to accurately superimpose a map (also
consider differences in obstructions.) And, different radios have
different power... Plus, wifi's range is not all THAT fantastic... so
even if you have the client on all three transcievers, the area they
could be in is fairly limited, especially if we're only talking about
one floor.

If you're concerned about security... what the hell am I talking
about... you're running OpenBSD, no, wait, it's a FANTASTIC OS even
without the security stuff which is really just a product of
excelence... Lock that network down and use authpf =). Some sort of
authenticated gateway... wonder if anything else can do that besides
pf. Meh.

Travers Buda

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