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Today Neil E. Sprinlan wrote:
Denny White wrote:

There are actually 2 problems. First one is, when using
ctrl-alt-f1 & so forth, it goes to the other console fine,
but when I try to switch back, all I see on the screen is
the output from the underlying x rather than the desktop.

If you use xdm to start X, your custom settings below call for trouble.
/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers forces the X server to use ttyC4, which should not
have a getty process attached.

The other problem is, when I'm on the desktop in an xterm
window, it's as though the settings in .profile like my
aliases I have setup, aren't recognized, like they're not
in the current environment settings.

xsession or xinitrc files don't source your .profile.
you need to start xterm with the '-ls' option or the loginShell resource
set to TRUE to have the shell executed in them source it.
Or put your settings in ~/.xsession (for xdm) or ~/.xinitrc (for startx).

I never had anything
like this happen when running 3.9. Now, on 4.0, I did a
clean install, started having the problem, moved to stable,
now current. Problem is still there.

I'd suggest you compare your current setup with the one you used before
(you did a backup, did you?). X has almost not changed between 3.9 and


Thanks for the answer, Neil. I've finally got it straightened
out. And I use startx for x. The pertinent ttys settings are
below. ttyC4 is once again off. I had misread the instructions
a long time back, always used that terminal for x, & it never
seemed to have any problem.
The other part about sourcing .profile from xterm puzzles me
still, since I never had to add any switches in the fluxbox
menu to the xterm command before in 3.7 through 3.9. It now
reads (xterm) {xterm -ls &} and all the aliases I use are once
again there, so I know .profile is being sourced. And yep, I
do a full dump at least monthly & incrementals in between. ;)
Thanks again for the info.

Denny White

(/etc/ttys snip)
console "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"               vt220   off insecure
ttyC0   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"               vt220   on  insecure
ttyC1   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"               vt220   on  insecure
ttyC2   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"               vt220   on  insecure
ttyC3   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"               vt220   on  insecure
ttyC4   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"               vt220   off insecure
ttyC5   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"               vt220   on  insecure
ttyC6   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"               vt220   on  insecure
ttyC7   "/usr/libexec/getty Pc"               vt220   on  insecure
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