----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Ouellet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, December 15, 2006 11:17 pm
Subject: Re: package update trouble
Cc: misc@openbsd.org

> > On a new 4.0 installation I am trying out the pkg_add update 
> procedure for the first time and it is giving me grief.  
> Please look at the following output and let me know how the tool 
> is finding the situation so ambiguous and also how I should proceed.
> > 
> > # pkg_add -vv -n -u clamav-0.88.5
> > Error from ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.0/packages/i386/:
> > Unknown command.
> > No need to update unzip-5.52
> > No need to update lha-1.14i.ac20050924
> > No need to update curl-7.15.4
> > No need to update zoo-2.10.1p1
> > No need to update gmp-4.1.4p0
> > Candidates for updating clamav-0.88.5 -> clamav-0.88.6 clamav-
> 0.88.5 clamav-0.88.4
> > Ambiguous: clamav-0.88.5 could be clamav-0.88.4 clamav-0.88.5 
> clamav-0.88.6
> man pkg_add:
>       -
> i       Switch on interactive 
> mode.  pkg_add may ask questions to the
>                user if faced with difficult decisions.
> There is multiple version available and pkg_add doesn't know 
> witch one 
> you want, so use the interactive mode to specify that. You will 
> just 
> have to answer the question when it come up.

Fair enough.  I tried it and I got a list of available packages.  It is a 
little confusing because the output is carping about the candidate being 
ambiguous -not what version the candidate should be updated to.  Anyways, it 
still gives me:

Cannot find updates for unarj-2.43 unrar-3.54p0

I installed both by ports (using an old install script for automating some 
stuff; I guess back then these two did not exist as packages).  Strangely, 
pkg_info shows unarj but not unrar.   Any comments?


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