On Sat, Dec 09, 2006 at 05:23:19PM +0800, Uwe Dippel wrote:
> I happen to have more and more systems that identify as
> $ uname
> OpenBSD
> which is good. One way or another.
> One item that tends to go wrong here is cvs, where I have some scripts
> doing cvs regularly, and I lose track of the version while
> upgrading by re-using the scripts.
> In cvs it is OPENBSD_4_0 as of now, while 
> $ uname -sr 
> OpenBSD 4.0
> , so that I can't use the otherwise very helpful utility (uname) out of
> the box.
> I think the objective is clear: Instead of re-learning my cvs-commands or
> modifying all those scripts, on a long run, it would be great to migrate
> cvs to understand something like:
> cvs -a -b [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs  -r `uname -sr`-d 
> or add an option to uname:
> cvs -a -b [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs  -r `uname -c[vs]`-d
> where 
> $ uname -c
> returns
> OpenBSD_4_0
> (or anything likewise).
> I am convinced that it will help a lot of people if we had a
> placeholder for details of the underlying system when using cvs in a
> straightforward manner [or cvs readily accepting the existing ones].
> My excuses, if it exists.
> Uwe

uname -sr | tr '[:lower:] .' '[:upper:]_'

Somehow I think changing scripts is a better solution in this case. Or
copy the above into a new script named uname-cvs. ;)

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |

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