An important note: I missed one of the advices of Tom Cosgrove...
I would replace the "OpenBSD's Flavors" link in the patch with
something like "section 5" (as Tom suggests) or either "FAQ 5, flavors"
as found on other parts of the FAQ.  Tom suggestion is more readable,
though.  Of course, there are other alternatives as "section 5, flavors,".

By the way, these "FAQ X, word" entries are sometimes typed "FAQ X - word",
don't know if it is what maintainer are looking for, or just a minor
mistake.  I suppose that using a hyphen can make these entries in the
FAQ look nice on a browser or PDF reader (links have different colors
than standard text) but more difficult to read on text.

On the other hand, I supose that sometimes using lowercases
(e.g., replacing "Upgrade Guide" with "upgrade guide") is advisable.
Lowercase letters will probably follow better the BSD style.

At last, I want to say again that this patch is only a draft.  I am
awaiting for all the changes recommended by the maintainers and
certainly do not expect the final patch to be as this one.  I am not
proposing this patch, but only providing a draft to work on it.


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