On 12/2/06, Alexander Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Otto,
On 12/2/06, Otto Moerbeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It looks like ESC-p cycles, but ESC-n not. If you have a terminal that
> has a beep, you'll hear a beep when ESC-p wraps, but ESC-n keeps
> beeping when the end is reached. I'll take a look at this.
thank you.
IMHO it would be better, if ESC-p and ESC-n wouldn't "cycle"
but would stop at the last matching command - same as in tcsh.
Because otherwise a user might go through several useless
"cycles" until (s)he reliazes that the needed command isn't there
Hi, thank you for your feedback.
I've put an updated patch up on http://bzero.se/patches/ksh-history-v2.patch.
/martin hedenfalk