On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Jason Dixon wrote:
> > I wrote a script that tested inode performance by removing unwanted
> > blocks.  It was pretty simple, so I tested it first against the first
> > slice (it's the smallest, so it should be a quick test).  However,
> > something happened after I ran the script and the system no longer
> > responds.  Even rebooting the system, it just hangs where I would
> > expect to see the boot> prompt.
> >
> > Perhaps there is some sort of performance inhibitor in the kernel
> > that stops users from performing these delete tests against a whole
> > partition?  If not, surely there should be some way to protect stupid
> > users from themselves.  Or perhaps I should have just called the
> > command (rm -rf /) manually, rather than by ksh?  What's with this
> > shell anyways, give me bash!
> I ran your test and got the same result, so this is a bug in OpenBSD and
> they should fix it.

This has been fixed in -current.


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