K H A I wrote:
Dear Friends,
I have problem running php script with querry and mysql. under
php sqlqurery.php works fine.
but when i run over web browser, it
does not recognise the hostname which return mysql_error() function.
hostname xx.yyy.zzz" How do i tackle this issue?
for openbsd
the config file
for apache under /var/www/conf/httpd.conf
and by default mysql is under
and the socket is /var/run/mysql/myqsl.sock
I have change for
my.conf to reflect the new socket connection to
and the problems still exists.
Any info is greatly appreciated.
I'll leave the mysql-user jokes to someone else.
You should do your homework first, before crying for help on the ml!
Check mailinglist-archives, man pages, faq... google and even the apache
or mysql-docs would have helped you!
You know your problem... Apache cannot resolve hostnames.
How does dns resolving work on a unix-like operating system?
(simple version...)
- look at /etc/resolv.conf -> man resolv.conf
first line usualy is: lookup file bind
- what file?
/etc/hosts -> man hosts
- bind?
that points to the nameserver line in /etc/resolv.conf
- there is a "nameserver <some ip>" line in /etc/resolv.conf?
usualy there is
So your system has all this? But why doesn't it work? It works for other
stuff. Whats different?
Oy! Apache is chrooted in /var/www by default. -> man chroot
Where does Apache look for the resolv.conf?
Right! /etc/resolv.conf
*the register making its sound repeatedly* (or not)
By now you have read the chroot manpage and/or by looking at the faq
know that for the chrooted apache / is /var/www and when it looks for
/etc/resolv.conf it actualy tries the files /var/www/etc/resolv.conf ...
Feel educated!
(If you are guessing, the educative part was: Do your homework first! )
[Sorry list, but perhaps such an explenation will be found easier in the
futur by uneducated searches. ;)]
If you are still reading, short copy'n'pastable version:
sudo mkdir -p /var/www/etc
sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /var/www/etc/
sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /var/www/etc/