On 3 Dec 2006, at 21:12, Pete Vickers wrote:

> I've used it problem free with osx & windows clients; it should  
> probably only be available only over https,

Amusingly, that's almost the exact same setup I ended up with :)

I also  had a non-ssl site serving from the same web root and denied  
access to that.  My subfolder was /md/ and I had:

<VirtualHost hostname.com:80>
        <Location /md>
                Deny from all

<VirtualHost hostname.com:443>
        SSLEngine On
        <Location /md>
                DAV             On

This way the site is visible over normal http with the DAV protected  
section hidden, and the DAV area is only accessible over https.


Junkets for bunterish lickspittles since 1998!

  • Re: WebDAV Pete Vickers
    • Re: WebDAV Gaby Vanhegan

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