On 11/26/06, Sam Fourman Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I found this message in the archives

I have a rhapsody account running on a Windows XP machine, however I
do not like leaving Windows machines on the Internet for any extended
period of time(sighting Bob beck's reference to windows being a virus
run time environment)
and leaving the notebook not connected to the interent, results in
rhapsody complaining about not reaching the Internet every time the
advertisements refresh.

So in the interest of ditching windows is there any known way to use
OpenBSD to convert the DRM protected WMA files to some playable format
that is usable on OpenBSD?

Well you'd need a DeCSS-for-WMA.... never heard of one myself.
But google has... sort of:

It seems people tried but Microsoft has fixed the exploits for these.
But maybe there's others?


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