Hello, I'm trying to connect to my Eaton Pwoerware 5110 with usb.
I have installed OpenBSD 4.0 and nut-2.0.3. The dmesg part for the UPS reads: ugen0 at uhub0 port 2 ugen0: Powerware Powerware UPS, rev 0.20/0.50, addr 6 I tried to configure /etc/nut/ups.conf [UPS] driver = bcmxcp_usb port = "/dev/ugen0.00" desc = "Eaton PW 5110" like it is described on the nut homepage. Then I regocnized that there is no bcmxcp_usb driver in my system ;-( So i want to ask, if (why?) the usb device of such an ups isn't supported yet or if I can use the bcmxcp driver instead (which I tried but I was out of luck)? Another question come to me while looking through the ugen manual: /dev/ugenN.EE Endpoint EE of device N What is the endpoint EE compared to my dmesg? Port2 or addr 6 or something else? thanks for your time guido