
On Fri, Nov 24, 2006 at 09:45:45AM +0000, Brian Candler wrote:
> I'm trying to set up multiple transport mode SAs between an OpenBSD 4.0 box
> and a Cisco 7301 running IOS [ultimate reason is to load test multiple L2TP
> over IPSEC tunnels].
> Each SA is between the same two IP endpoints but specifies a different UDP
> port pair.
> I was able to get a single SA up using ipsecctl, after making this small fix:
> --- sbin/ipsecctl/ike.c.orig    Thu Nov 23 22:48:23 2006
> +++ sbin/ipsecctl/ike.c Thu Nov 23 22:48:37 2006
> @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
>                 fprintf(fd, SET "[lid-%s]:Port=%d force\n", src->name,
>                     ntohs(sport));
>         if (dport)
> -               fprintf(fd, SET "[rid-%s]:Port=%d force\n", src->name,
> +               fprintf(fd, SET "[rid-%s]:Port=%d force\n", dst->name,
>                     ntohs(dport));
>  }

this has been already commited, thanks!

Could you please try the diff below?  It's just a quick hack but
might solve that problem.


Index: ike.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sbin/ipsecctl/ike.c,v
retrieving revision 1.54
diff -u -p -r1.54 ike.c
--- ike.c       24 Nov 2006 08:07:18 -0000      1.54
+++ ike.c       24 Nov 2006 10:28:33 -0000
@@ -38,12 +38,13 @@ static void ike_section_peer(struct ipse
 static void    ike_section_ids(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *, struct ipsec_auth *,
                    FILE *, u_int8_t);
 static int     ike_get_id_type(char *);
-static void    ike_section_ipsec(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *, struct
-                   ipsec_addr_wrap *, struct ipsec_addr_wrap *, FILE *);
+static void    ike_section_ipsec(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *, u_int16_t, struct
+                   ipsec_addr_wrap *, u_int16_t, struct ipsec_addr_wrap *,
+                   char *, FILE *);
 static int     ike_section_p1(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *, struct
                    ipsec_transforms *, FILE *, struct ike_auth *, u_int8_t);
-static int     ike_section_p2(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *, struct
-                   ipsec_addr_wrap *, u_int8_t, u_int8_t, struct
+static int     ike_section_p2(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *, u_int16_t, struct
+                   ipsec_addr_wrap *, u_int16_t, u_int8_t, u_int8_t, struct
                    ipsec_transforms *, FILE *, u_int8_t);
 static void    ike_section_p2ids(u_int8_t, struct ipsec_addr_wrap *,
                    u_int16_t, struct ipsec_addr_wrap *, u_int16_t, FILE *);
@@ -174,33 +175,45 @@ ike_get_id_type(char *string)
 static void
-ike_section_ipsec(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *src, struct ipsec_addr_wrap *dst,
-    struct ipsec_addr_wrap *peer, FILE *fd)
+ike_section_ipsec(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *src, u_int16_t sport,
+    struct ipsec_addr_wrap *dst, u_int16_t dport, struct ipsec_addr_wrap *peer,
+    char *tag, FILE *fd)
-       fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s-%s]:Phase=2 force\n", src->name, dst->name);
+       char    *p;
+       if (asprintf(&p, "%s:%d-%s:%d", src->name, ntohs(sport), dst->name,
+           ntohs(dport)) == -1)
+               err(1, "ike_section_ipsec");
+       fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s]:Phase=2 force\n", p);
        if (peer)
-               fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s-%s]:ISAKMP-peer=peer-%s force\n",
-                   src->name, dst->name, peer->name);
+               fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s]:ISAKMP-peer=peer-%s force\n", p,
+                   peer->name);
                fprintf(fd, SET
-                   "[IPsec-%s-%s]:ISAKMP-peer=peer-default force\n",
-                   src->name, dst->name);
+                   "[IPsec-%s]:ISAKMP-peer=peer-default force\n", p);
+       fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s]:Configuration=qm-%s force\n", p, p);
+       fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s]:Local-ID=lid-%s force\n", p, src->name);
+       fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s]:Remote-ID=rid-%s force\n", p, dst->name);
-       fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s-%s]:Configuration=qm-%s-%s force\n",
-           src->name, dst->name, src->name, dst->name);
-       fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s-%s]:Local-ID=lid-%s force\n", src->name,
-           dst->name, src->name);
-       fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s-%s]:Remote-ID=rid-%s force\n", src->name,
-           dst->name, dst->name);
+       if (tag)
+               fprintf(fd, SET "[IPsec-%s]:PF-Tag=%s force\n", p, tag);
+       free(p);
 static int
-ike_section_p2(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *src, struct ipsec_addr_wrap *dst,
-    u_int8_t satype, u_int8_t tmode, struct ipsec_transforms *qmxfs, FILE *fd,
-    u_int8_t ike_exch)
+ike_section_p2(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *src, u_int16_t sport,
+    struct ipsec_addr_wrap *dst, u_int16_t dport, u_int8_t satype,
+    u_int8_t tmode, struct ipsec_transforms *qmxfs, FILE *fd, u_int8_t 
-       char *tag, *exchange_type, *sprefix;
+       char    *p, *tag, *exchange_type, *sprefix;
+       if (asprintf(&p, "%s:%d-%s:%d", src->name, ntohs(sport), dst->name,
+           ntohs(dport)) == -1)
+               err(1, "ike_section_p2");
        switch (ike_exch) {
        case IKE_QM:
@@ -213,10 +226,9 @@ ike_section_p2(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *s
                return (-1);
-       fprintf(fd, SET "[%s-%s-%s]:EXCHANGE_TYPE=%s force\n",
-           tag, src->name, dst->name, exchange_type);
-       fprintf(fd, SET "[%s-%s-%s]:Suites=%s-", tag, src->name,
-           dst->name, sprefix);
+       fprintf(fd, SET "[%s-%s]:EXCHANGE_TYPE=%s force\n", tag, p,
+           exchange_type);
+       fprintf(fd, SET "[%s-%s]:Suites=%s-", tag, p, sprefix);
        switch (satype) {
        case IPSEC_ESP:
@@ -339,6 +354,8 @@ ike_section_p2(struct ipsec_addr_wrap *s
                fprintf(fd, "-PFS");
        fprintf(fd, "-SUITE force\n");
+       free(p);
        return (0);
@@ -595,9 +612,10 @@ ike_gen_config(struct ipsec_rule *r, FIL
            fd, r->ikeauth, r->p1ie) == -1)
                return (-1);
        ike_section_ids(r->peer, r->auth, fd, r->ikemode);
-       ike_section_ipsec(r->src, r->dst, r->peer, fd);
-       if (ike_section_p2(r->src, r->dst, r->satype, r->tmode, r->p2xfs,
-           fd, r->p2ie) == -1)
+       ike_section_ipsec(r->src, r->sport, r->dst, r->dport, r->peer, r->tag,
+           fd);
+       if (ike_section_p2(r->src, r->sport, r->dst, r->dport, r->satype,
+           r->tmode, r->p2xfs, fd, r->p2ie) == -1)
                return (-1);
        ike_section_p2ids(r->proto, r->src, r->sport, r->dst, r->dport, fd);

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