I just installed OpenBSD 4.0-stable on a Sun x4100 server. The server has an IPMI virtual console accessed remotely via a Java application which pretends to be a USB keyboard/mouse.
While I had no problems with the virtual console during the installation process, once the actual operating system was installed, every keypress on the virtual console results in the message "uhidev0: bad input length 8 != 0" being displayed. Other than the message being displayed, the keyboard seems to be working fine. I removed the following code from uhidev.c, which removed the message logging. As far as I can tell, the keyboard works fine under the virtual console, although I haven't tested the mouse emulation. I guess there's just something weird about the USB emulation. No functional problems, but if whoever maintains the USB driver is interested in figuring it out, I could test patches... #ifdef DIAGNOSTIC if (scd->sc_in_rep_size != cc) printf("%s: bad input length %d != %d\n",USBDEVNAME(sc->sc_dev), scd->sc_in_rep_size, cc); #endif -- Paul B. Henson | (909) 979-6361 | http://www.csupomona.edu/~henson/ Operating Systems and Network Analyst | [EMAIL PROTECTED] California State Polytechnic University | Pomona CA 91768