On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 08:24:16AM -0500, Marc Ravensbergen wrote:
> Hi, is there any way I can find out the entire list of files (and  
> dependencies) needed before installing a given package? Let's say I  
> want to add "wget" to openbsd. I export the PKG_PATH to the  
> appropriate mirror, then type "pkg_add wget". This will do the  
> installation of wget and all dependencies, but I would like to know  
> before the actual installation what files are needed (if possible of  
> course).
> My reason for this is so that I can generate a complete list of files  
> needed to download for a given program, run over to a computer with  
> high speed, download, run back to my computer, dump the files in the  
> correct directory (/var/db/pkg) and then install the package.
> In this case, wget is very small, but what about Gnome, KDE...
> I am thinking of the feature in Synaptic that lets you generate an  
> installation script; all the files and dependencies needed for a  
> given package are then saved to a text file as a script.
> If this is possible, can somebody let me know?
> Thanks,
> Marc

There are probably other ways to do this, but the first thing that comes
to mind is to run "pkg_add -nv <package>" which will give you a list of
dependencies. Recurse until done, checking the dependencies so far to
avoid infinite recursion and excessive work.

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD Users Group
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://bsd.phoenix.az.us/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |

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