---- Original message ----
>Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 00:44:13 -0500
>From: Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: Just one more cisco... please  
>To: misc@openbsd.org
>I just found out that to add a 4th interface to our PIX firewall will
>cost $100 for the card, and $3,000 for the license upgrade to allow us
>to do that.  WTF is all that about????

the cost of license upgrades on proprietary crapware are so ridiculous. it
reminds me of the ~500 USD that sonicwall wants just to support vlans on its
"enhanced" OS.

>corporate network is coming together nicely... Soooon my pretty pix,
>soooon you shall be on Ebay... Any takers?  If not, anyone got a six
>pack and some thermite?

hop online and order the magnesium strip, iron (III) oxide and powdered aluminum
and get busy! if you do this, please videotape it and post it to the list for
all to enjoy.

>Seriously though - OpenBSD has been incredibly solid - Thanks much to
>everyone involved from the FAQ guys to the coders, to the planners and
>the doers.  

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