On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 04:17:34PM -0800, Dag Richards wrote:
> What I do for this is I have my vpn server in a dmz
>               EVIL
>              INTERNET
>      /                           \
>     /                       \ 
> em0                       em0 
> |                            |
> ---\                      /----\
> fw  | - em1  -DMZ-  - em1 | vpn |
> ---/                    \----/
> |
> em2
> Internal networks
> Outbound traffic to your customer gets nat-ed on em1 of fw
> Inbound traffic from your customer gets nated on em1 of vpn

How do you NAT the traffic from the VPN? We're trying to do this with
the following but it's not working:
  nat on enc0 proto tcp from any to any -> em1

albert chin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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