I'm trying to get an ipsec tunnel working between two OpenBSD 4.0
hosts. I'm running isakmpd on both with the -K option. Yet, on the VPN
server, I'm seeing:
  215415.359192 Mesg 70 DATA: 
  215415.359314 Negt 40 ike_phase_1_recv_ID: FQDN:
  215415.359428 Negt 40 73637275 622e7468 65777269 7474656e 776f7264 2e636f6d 
  215415.359628 Plcy 30 keynote_cert_obtain: failed to open 
  215415.360314 Default rsa_sig_decode_hash: RSA_public_decrypt () failed
  215415.360407 Default dropped message from [CLIENT IP] port 4500 due to 
notification type INVALID_ID_INFORMATION
  215415.360506 Timr 10 timer_add_event: event exchange_free_aux(0x84d61000) 
added last, expiration in 120s

I doubt it matters but the client is connecting to a VPN server behind
a firewall.

The ipsec.conf on the client:
  ike esp from to peer [VPN SERVER IP] \
    srcid [CLIENT FQDN] dstid [VPN SERVER FQDN]
  ike esp from [CLIENT IP] to [VPN SERVER IP] \
    srcid [CLIENT FQDN] dstid [VPN SERVER FQDN]

The ipsec.conf on the VPN server:
  ike passive from to peer [CLIENT IP] \
    srcid [VPN SERVER FQDN] dstid [CLIENT FQDN]
  ike passive from [VPN SERVER IP] to [CLIENT IP] \
    srcid [VPN SERVER FQDN] dstid [CLIENT FQDN]

Considering the lack of "psk <string>", I'd expect authentication to
happen with public key authentication, not keynote credentials.

Any ideas?

albert chin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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