On Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 11:06:13AM +0100, ropers wrote:
> On 31/10/06, Mike Spenard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >After tar has finished writing to the tape device is there
> >a way to see how large the finished tar on tape is?
> Forgive me if this sounds impressively stupid, but would you not just
> use ls(1) for that?

No, tapes are not block devices; only block devices hold filesystems.
(When you think about it, this makes sense; seek times would be
prohibitively high for tapes.)

> >Also, is there a way to monitor the transfer rate to the
> >tape device?
> I doubt that there's a trivial way to do that, and I'm not
> knowledgeable enough to really be able to help with any non-trivial
> way to do this.

How about tar czpf / | dd obs=$BIGNUM > /dev/nrst0? More sophisticated
methods are always possible, of course...


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