On Wed, Oct 25, 2006 at 02:21:55PM +0200, ropers wrote:
> On 25/10/06, bofh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On 10/24/06, ropers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>
> >> You mentioned that you dislike PHP.
> >> I would be curious to learn your reasons for this.
> >
> >If you look back at the history of PHP, it was created so that
> >"non-programmers" can easily program.  Well, if you want to see the 
> >results
> >of a non-programmer writing scripts, go google "Not Matt's Scripts" and 
> >read
> >the reason it was created.  Then look again at the library of PHP scripts
> >out there, and consider them in light of Not Matt's Scripts.
> It's prolly worth noting that both Matt's scripts and nms are written
> in Perl, not PHP.
> However, I still do take your point, which I understand to be a
> **general** point about the very concept of "allowing" non-programmers
> to easily churn out code, and the way that PHP facilitates that.

        I recently recommended python as a nice way to start programming but 
that was for a very young person with little exposure to computing.

        In your case I am not sure if it is relevant but I completely agree 
with the case for python.

        Best of luck!


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