On 10/26/06, Riley McIntire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/25/06, Matt Bettinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I added a pause as suggested by Jason Dixon,  and still cannot pick up
> a lease unless I do it manually.  I'm really at a loss as what can be
> causing this and running out of places where I can check for the
> problem.  Does anyone else have any suggestions?

Another wildass guess. I've seen this behavior with /var mount'd mfs
(with a modified /etc/rc), and think nfs mount'ing var would do the
same. You doing anything like this?


No.  Nothing crazy,  just your typical bsd router with 4 nics  and
some vlan stuff.  Thanks for the suggestions though.  I fixed the
issue temporarily with a small script.  Maybe on a rainy Sunday
afternoon I'll swap in a new NIC and see if that solves the problem
but we're good for now.  Thanks.


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