
I wrote a new tool I call OpenPortd for my linux distribution
but since I my linux distribution is still under development
and I want to release the tool, I wrote an OpenBSD version
too, you maybe like it.

It is like a port knocking service but a little bit different:

Normaly a port knocking service uses TCP/UDP, but openportd
uses ICMP echo response packets because they are not so easy
to send like echo requests or TCP/UDP port tests (kiddies could
simply use ping or nmap for this job).

You can define keys and actions in /etc/openportd.conf. If a
key is received, an action is executed. Here are examples:

04t3904jg034 reboot
0987654321   pkill sshd
1234567890   /usr/sbin/sshd
40tg340503n5 pf/iptables (load some other rules or whatever)

You can download the tgz file here:

There is currently no client available. But you can for example
use my vstt[1] and send data via FIFO to vstt using icmp
tunneling mode.


[1] http://www.ploetner-it.de/~dr/site/index.php?id=70

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