FWIW, OpenBSD PPPoE implementation has been more robust for me than anything else I have used, including Windows, and I have used it since OpenBSD version 3.0 -- userland initially and later kernel-mode.
I am not sure whether there are better ways to configure this but all I had to do was create hostname.pppoe0 with the following lines. You may want to read the documentation more thoroughly. pppoedev de0 !/sbin/ifconfig de0 up !/usr/sbin/spppcontrol \$if myauthproto=pap myauthname=username myauthkey=secret !/sbin/ifconfig \$if inet netmask 0xffffffff !/sbin/route add default link1 up Hope this helps. On Fri, 2006-20-10 at 04:59 +0200, Chris wrote: > I write once again for the same old things I was writing > at the opwnbsd 3.4. If you search the emails to the list are there. > > Same old same old. > > The pppoe dial error (userland) "cant assign requsted address" after > 4 major OpenBsd releases didnt go away. Noone cared to address the situation > and of course the same old answer "diferent isps use diferent pppoe > implementations" was the easy answer to leave the question unanswered. > > The 90% of home office internet conections are have to do with pppoe crapy dsl > implementetions at least here in Europe. > > Despite that I have never found a single windows xp box to not work > properly with > these "crapy implementations" no matter to whatever adsl provider > someone wants to > conect to, and without the need for any extra drivers to be installed > concerning these diferrent isps. > > So from the openbsd 3.4 release I have instaled Openbsd as a router > (suggested by me) > to different small offices succesfully and despite the Openbsd pppoe > risk that these boxes will never see the Internet world. > I just hoped and trusted the community, that someone > will go and support the first thing that an os must be capable of, to > conect to the internet > using an available ISP. I hoped that someone in the community will fix > the problems so > will come one day that we can use an openbsd box to conect to the Internet > without praying or going after that to a doctor for a nervous breakdown. > > So 3.5 -> 3.6 -> 3.7 -> 3.8 and now I am afraid to tell my clients to update. > No matter what usefull things the new releases have if I can not > conect them to the Internet the only option is to call microsoft to > apply for the licencing program... > > THE ONLY THING THAT CHANGES FROM RELEASE TO RELEASE > IN OPENBSD PPPOE IS THE ERROR MESSAGES AFTER A SUCCESSFUL > CONECTION IS MADE. > > I am so disappointed with this, as every now and then in these years > I read posts in the list, from the newbie trying to install an openbsd > box for the first time, as users that are very familiar with openbsd > like myself, crying out "the pppoe implementation in openbsd is > broken". > > An answer to all these people: > IS PPP OPENBSD IMPLEMENTATION BROKEN? > > YES IT IS NO MATTER WHAT YOU READ IN THE LIST. > YES IT IS AND NO ONE CARES. > YES YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG IN YOUR CONFIGURATION, > THE ERRORS ARE NOT THERE FOR DEBUGGING JUST FOR SEEING THEM. > > On openbsd 3.9 I can conect through pppoe(userland) to my ISP > everything works fine > but I can not download more than 250KB/s despite that my line is > capable of 2000KB/s. > In a 3.5 box same configuration same ISP I am capable of 2000KB/s. May > I must downgrade????? > > I myself want to ask whats the meaning of an os secure and capable of tasks if > I can not conect to an ISP using the way that 90% of Inernet users use > in this world. > > I have spend another week trying to resolve another pppoe problem, > where everything seems to work fine as always, but as always in > openbsd's pppoe something goes wrong. > > Of course if I conect my modem to a wondows xp "stupid insecure pc" or > to e "Unix based > "Powerbook" and I experince no such problems. > > I called my ISP after the line was installed and complain that my line > dont work ok and now > I think I may be have to call them and tell them that I just used a > stupid os that cant do > what the most "stupid" oses can DO. > > I needed to write this after 5 years of seeing the community to ignore > the needs of its users. We have donated, support it and continue to do > so. We have no right to demand things but I think we have the right to > alert the community as definitily with this matter something IS > DEFINITELY wrong. > > I think that the 50% of Openbsd users use pppoe conections and I thing > that the 10% > of us use for example IPSEC. Despite that IPSEC works far better than > establishing a dsl conection and download at proper rates. > And I am sure that this mail will be ignored as the 98329389283 > mails in this list that noone answer and you can find in the list > remaining for ever unanswered. > > So just I am Asking kindly again after 5 years. > > Will be a way to establish a dsl broadband conection from an openbsd gateway > to an ISP without errors and problems ever in the future like the 99% > of all other OSes > (even those that are not deticated to networking as OpenBsd) CAN? OR NOT? > > Even if the abswer is NO I will be greatefull as many other users to know > that so we can make our ways out of this OSas there are some thing in > OS world that some of us cant live without it. > > Feel free not to comment. > -- Vijay Sankar, M.Eng., P.Eng. ForeTell Technologies Limited 59 Flamingo Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3J 0X6 Phone: 204 885 9535, E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]